Frequently Asked Questions

Here we hope to answer the most common questions (FAQ) related to web design. If you have any suggestions for this FAQ that you think we should include, please email us your ideas here.

Why should I have a website for my small business?

It’s a very effective way for businesses to advertise to get new customers – and to communicate with their current customers. A website is relatively inexpensive, and easy to update (read more here).  Market research indicates that 58% of internet users tend to trust a company with a web presence.

We use several security measures which will deter hackers and thus encourage them to look for an easier target. We also set up several backup options so if anything does happen we can quickly restore your website to a normal working state.

Why should my website be 'mobile responsive'?

Mainly because you will be missing an opportunity if you don’t offer ‘mobile responsive’.

About half of all internet use is now from mobile devices, so this makes it equally important to optimise your website to include these users. Because of this, the main search engine (Google) now penalises websites that are not mobile responsive with a lower ranking in their searches.

Why is security important – and why is my small website a target?

Security is very important for websites even without an online shop because if your website is hacked and you don’t take quick action, this will damage your reputation.

There are many different reasons for hackers to breach a website, and these include –

  • access to all your visitors for free and with minimum effort – to advertise their products (eg. Viagra, porn)
  • damaging your reputation to boost their own business
  • injecting malware to infect your visitors’ computers, for the purpose of extracting valuable confidential information
  • injecting malware to infect your visitors’ computers, for the purpose of initiating a Denial Of Service attack on a large organisation at some point in the future

However, security is not about perfectly secure systems because this is not really possible – it’s about risk reduction.

We use several security measures which will deter hackers and thus encourage them to look for an easier target. We also set up several backup options so if anything does happen we can quickly restore your website to a normal working state.

What is a CMS & why would I want one?

A CMS (Content Management System) is a structure that makes it easy for you and your staff to update your website. You don’t need to use any code, so you won’t need to pay a web designer every time you want to change something. As long as you have basic IT skills, you will be able to do it yourself.

The most popular CMS is WordPress. This is used by about 1 in 3 of all websites, and it is open source and the basics are free. Examples of other common CMS applications are Joomla and Drupal, which are also open source and free.

Can Skylime help me with web hosting?

Absolutely! We’ll help you find the right hosting for your needs and budget. If you already have your own hosting, we can work with that. We can also help you move to alternatives.

Our own ‘cloud hosting’ will suit most purposes. It is economic, fast and secure. We use a UK hosting company that we’ve researched and tested. The hosting is shared between many servers in multiple locations and uses ‘load balancing’ which is an effective way of coping with spikes in demand.

Our standard unit is –

  • 10GB of SSD file storage space
  • 2GB RAM; 2 CPUs
  • 30 EPs (entry points)
  • Unlimited MySQL databases

For larger websites we can research your needs and make suggestions.

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